Happy to Help

CEO Message


We are at a pivotal juncture in the Indian economy and society as such, poised on the brink of a transformation that will redefine the way we all do the business. Conventional thinking and traditional operating models will not be able to capture the opportunities that arise from this paradigm shift. By taking the initiative to update and transform ourselves, we aim to deliver added value to our clients, society at large and enhancing employees’ value while moving towards our Pan India presence.

Our vision is to take METCO to the next level, to be a vibrant, forward-looking, techno-savvy company serving diverse sections of the society; and to do this we have laid out our plan to expand our services and provide specialized and customised services to our clients – individuals & trusts to complement our legal and financial services.

Our strategy goes beyond merely expanding our products, services, and delivery methods. By integrating these elements, we strive to offer customized services and solutions for each client, trusts as per their need and purpose.

We often discuss embracing new challenges and believe that diversity is crucial to this endeavour. A top priority for our management and team is to create equity in the management of our clients' estates. We are committed to bringing not only high levels of expertise but also diverse backgrounds and values to our group operations.

Our management vision is to achieve sustainable growth by addressing various social issues. Our diverse businesses are built on the trust of our clients and trustees. We understand that increasing our corporate value is intrinsically connected to fostering the sustainable growth of society as a whole.

We believe this paradigm shift offers boundless opportunities to contribute meaningfully to our clients. As we advance into this new era, everyone at METCO is dedicated to working hard to achieve sustainable growth for both the company and society at large.

Shri Parag Abhyankar

AGM Bank of Maharashtra and CEO METCO